Heavy Mental Shows

„A must for every ten­nis-school, aca­de­my and club. Stephs show gives you won­derful insight into the mecha­nisms of the men­tal game of ten­nis. A gre­at mix bet­ween enter­tain­ment and hel­pful tools to work on your men­tal tough­ness. No mat­ter if you are a club-play­er or an ath­le­te with pro-ambi­ti­ons: you learn what you need to be men­tal­ly tough!“, Chris­toph Kel­ler­mann, for­mer ger­man natio­nal coach and publisher of »Die Ten­nis­re­dak­ti­on.«. Steph has held the »HEAD-Man Men­tal Shows« over a 70 times in Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, Switz­er­land and Italy.