Mental power

Sports-psy­cho­lo­gists and coa­ches have come to one and the same con­clu­si­on: Con­cer­ning  the aspects of »Men­tal power«, no other sport is as deman­ding and tough as ten­nis! So, why should the HEAD-MAN be able to help? Becau­se more than 50 years of expe­ri­ence and lear­ning on the hig­hest levels are solid grounds for Your per­so­nal impro­ve­ment and fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment! His pas­si­on and his deep know­ledge of all the aspects of ten­nis will help You get the best out of You!

Living is learning!

One of Stephs main prin­ci­ples is »Living is lear­ning!« With his help, the­re were num­e­rous ath­le­tes from num­e­rous dif­fe­rent sports, that were capa­ble to lift their per­for­mance to levels they didn’t think they were able to reach. »Men­tal tough­ness« is not an abili­ty that is pro­grammed into your genes, you have to learn it! Wha­te­ver Your play­ground, the HEAD-MAN makes you win!