
Stephan Medem

Bar­ba­ra Ritt­ner, the for­mer Ger­man Fed-Cup-Coach and Cap­tain of the Por­sche Ten­nis Team has writ­ten the fore­word for Ste­phans first book. »play­GIRL« is not ano­ther »important ten­nis-book« on ground­strokes, nor does it tell us how to to warm-up cor­rect­ly or what and what not to eat befo­re a match. »play­GIRL« is a very enter­tai­ning, fun to read, but still very infor­ma­ti­ve Tee­nie-Sto­ry, which hap­pens to play in the world of Ten­nis. So far, a lot of ten­nis-par­ents have read this book and were able to adjust some of their nega­ti­ve beha­vi­or towards their play­ing kids. It’s a beau­tiful sto­ry about adven­ture, wis­dom, reve­rie, love and Tennis.

The­re is a clear mes­sa­ge to teen­agers: „Hey, kids, don’t just hang around, dream and wait for things to hap­pen, make them hap­pen! Even if your dreams and visi­ons seem to be some­whe­re out of your reach, go for them! For­get about stu­pid cas­ting shows if you are loo­king for true suc­cess. With your ambi­ti­on, cou­ra­ge, endu­rance and disci­pli­ne, you can achie­ve wha­te­ver you want, no mat­ter if your goal is to beco­me a musi­ci­an, a vet or a ten­nis-play­er! Make your dreams happen!

The nar­ra­tor, Jani­na ist 15 years old, pret­ty and she is a decent play­er on a regio­nal level. For some reason, her par­ents don’t want to spend their sum­mer-vaca­ti­on on the beach again and deci­de to book into a cute, litt­le hotel in the Swiss alps. Right next to this hotel is an unknown ten­nis-aca­de­my, but she finds out very soon, that a lot of things sud­den­ly start to chan­ge in a very posi­ti­ve way…

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