
Ste­phan Medem: „When I have got­ten the first request from a high-school prin­ci­pal to do a men­tal-work­shop with his stu­dents, I was more than skep­ti­cal and wan­ted to turn it down. But somehow, the idea of tea­ching the­se stu­dents a few of the tools that the top-ath­le­tes are using to per­form gre­at kept working in my head. I did accept the chall­enge and pla­ced mys­elf in front of more than 50 pret­ty cri­ti­cal kids… and wow… was I hap­py after­wards! This girls and boys did soak ever­y­thing up that I was tel­ling them. Days and weeks later, I recei­ved seve­ral calls and mails of thanks with the clear mes­sa­ge that this kids have tried what was pro­po­sed… and it did work! The same rou­ti­nes, that gre­at ath­le­tes are using to get their job done also works for stu­dents! I am loo­king for­ward to new requests, just get in contact!”